Symposiums and conferences on F.O.T.T.®
In addition to association meetings, the Förderverein F.O.T.T. e.V. has organized special events in cooperation with FOrmaTT GmbH over the past 30 years. These were three symposiums (Berlin, Bellikon and Hamburg), a virtual symposium and a conference in Malvern (Great Britain).
The events consisted of scientific and therapeutic lectures/case presentations around the focal points of F.O.T.T.®. The face-to-face events were rounded off by workshops with the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and learning.
A summary of the contents as well as impressions of the symposiums and the conference can be found below.
1st F.O.T.T.® Symposium in Berlin
On October 12th and 13th 2001, the 1st F.O.T.T.® Symposium took place at the Unfallkrankenhaus in Berlin. The motto of the symposium was 'Standing up for swallowing and communication'.
Kay Coombes, the founder of the concept, the F.O.T.T. International Special Interest Group and other speakers working with the concept reported on the latest state of rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain damage and neurogenic impairments.
2nd F.O.T.T.® Symposium in Bellikon
On the weekend of October 19th and 20th 2007 the 2nd F.O.T.T.® Symposium took place in Bellikon (Switzerland). About 120 participants from Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and Great Britain found their way to Bellikon.
The participants' feedback at the end of the symposium was very appreciative of the lecture programme and the associated exhibition. The lectures included the opening speech 'Standing up – moving forward', held by Kay Coombes, and ranged from a classification of the F.O.T.T.® in the ICF, the presentation of studies on F.O.T.T.® topics to many very practical everyday topics.
Within the framework of three workshops, the participants had the opportunity to deepen their F.O.T.T.®-knowledge under the aspects 'coordination of breathing and swallowing', 'treatment of children' and 'communication'. The schedule for the workshops was tight, but many questions asked by the participants were answered.
During the breaks, the participants informed themselves about a special wheelchair supply system as well as communication aids, not only by looking, but also in a practical self-experiences.
Nora Kern, Bobath Advanced Course Instructor, and instructor for Integration of Neurodynamics into Neurorehabilitation (INN) said after the end of the event: 'Everyone contributed their special strengths and abilities. Whether this was the practical therapeutic level, scientific competence or the presentation of a summary of up-to date knowledge. A successful symposium! It was a great pleasure to be part of it!'.
The symposium was repeated in 2008 on April 25th and 26th in Hamburg at the Albertinenhaus.
3rd F.O.T.T.® Symposium in Hamburg
After the successful premiere of the 2nd Symposium in Bellikon (Switzerland) last year, the symposium went on tour to inform the north of Germany about the current developments in science and practice. On April 25th and 26th 2008 the time had come for getting together in the Albertinenhaus.
Many colleagues from Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and England travelled specially to exchange ideas about F.O.T.T.® and to receive the latest information.
The day was opened with a lecture by Kay Coombes, who emphasized the importance of Albertinenhaus for the development of Facio-Oral Tract Therapy in Germany. It was a reunion with many pioneers of the concept, so that many long time personal connections could be renewed.
There were many opportunities for exchange and discussion, just as in Switzerland the year before. Especially the workshops and the discussion rounds following the lectures were used intensively to ask questions or express opinions.
What would a F.O.T.T.® Symposium be without practical hands-on work concerning the topics of eating, drinking and communicating?
Conclusion: An all-round successful symposium, which gave all participants know-how and skills for their daily work.
S.I.G. Conference in Malvern
On July 15th, 2011, the F.O.T.T. International S.I.G. Conference took place in Malvern (Great Britain). The motto of the conference was 'Movement in Context'.
For one and a half days, more than 60 therapists, psychologists, case managers, caregivers, nurses and family members of persons that suffer from brain injuries came together to discuss practical and theoretical aspects of rehabilitation after brain injuries.
Communication was in many ways the main topic of the conference: communication in different languages (English, German), but also in different therapeutic languages.
Questions arising were: Where is the interface between them? When does multidisciplinarity become inter-professional collaboration? How can I bring together evidence and practical needs? How can we meet each other, even if we look at the brain-injured person from different angles? How can I explain my point of view to the other profession so that they can understand me in order to join efforts for effective rehabilitation?
There was a wide variety of lectures on therapeutic positioning, treatment of the face, facilitation of swallowing, communication problems in rehabilitation. An emotionally moving talk on the experiences after brain injury and how life changed was followed by studies on the influence of oral F.O.T.T.® stimulation on the swallowing rate and on coordination between breathing and swallowing.
On one afternoon, the focus of the participants was on practical hands-on skills and there was a lively exchange in 4 workshops on the topics oral hygiene, therapeutic positioning, treatment of the face and facilitation of swallowing.
4. F.O.T.T.® Symposium - Learning in der F.O.T.T.®
Over 300 participants attended the 4th F.O.T.T.® Symposium, held online on 10th and 11th June 2022.
The event was hosted by the Special Interest Group, SIG F.O.T.T. International and FOrmaTT GmbH (Group of licenced Instructors).
The Symposium was free of charge, as a token of appreciation for all health care workers who worked through the Pandemic!
Neurorehab-Teams from around the world attended, including from Ireland, Scandinavia, Spain, South Africa, United Kingdom, China, Austria, Italy, Germany and Switzerland.
The Symposium began with an interview of Kay Coombes, who developed the F.O.T.T.® Approach. She described the context that led to its development and her vision for the future of F.O.T.T.®.
Practise oriented presentations included use of the F.O.T.T.® Algorithm, Clinical Reasoning, Tracheostomy Tube Management including positioning, Poster-Session and the Implementation of Practical Topics for the multi/inter-disciplinary team using 'Focus of the Month'.
F.O.T.T. meets FEES focussed on how posture influences swallowing and provided illustrations showing the effect of F.O.T.T.® tactile assistance on swallowing.
Presentations will be incorporated in the 5th Edition of the F.O.T.T.® Book (due to be published in 2023).